Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. Its usefulness is that the network remembers your visits when you return to the page. Cookies typically store technical properties, personal preferences, content personalization, usage statistics, social network links, user account access rights, etc. The purpose of cookies is to adapt web content to your profile and needs, without cookies, provided by any page. Services will be greatly reduced. If you want to learn more about what cookies are, what they store, how to eliminate them, disable them, etc., please visit this link.

Cookies used on this website

In accordance with the guidelines of the China Data Protection Agency, we will detail the cookies used on this website in order to notify you as accurately as possible. This website uses the following content: This website uses the following content:

Third-party cookies:

Disable or cancel cookies

You may exercise your right to disable or delete cookies on this website at any time. These actions are performed differently depending on the browser you are using. This is a quick guide to the most popular browsers.

Supplementary explanation